Healthcare continues to utilize telehealth platforms for appointments and various services. This will continue into the new year, thanks to legislative updates.

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While telehealth continues to expand and change, there are several notable updates.

So what’s new?

In Michigan, the Governor just signed a bill allowing psychologists to use telehealth with clients in multiple states. They will be able to temporarily offer in-person services in other states.

Michigan entered the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT). While psychologists will not have to be licensed to practice in other states, they will need to pay a fee to offer services in other states.

Further, a bipartisan omnibus appropriations bill from Congress included a two-year extension for Medicare telehealth flexibilities. The bill will be voted on shortly.

Overall the trend of supporting and encouraging the expansion of telehealth continues. However, this could change at any time.

If you are thinking of offering telehealth services, or if you already offer these remote services, it is essential that you stay up to date on current regulations.

We help our clients stay aware of changes to relevant regulations that impact their practices.

No matter the regulations, we encourage our practices to utilize the best technology available to them to protect their telehealth services.

Privacy and security are of the upmost importance when offering remote care. Patients need to know that their information is protected and their appointments are secure.

Your staff must be trained so that they understand that telehealth appointments and procedures should be as secure as in-person visits.

If you have questions or need help with your healthcare practice’s legal needs, contact Rickard & Associates today.

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By Hari